The Kerala Public Service Commission has recently announced the recruitment of Police Constables (Trainee) for the Armed Police Battalion. This presents a golden opportunity for eligible candidates to serve their community and ensure public safety. In this blog post, we will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the recruitment notification, including essential details, application process, and key requirements.
The eligibility Criteria Kerala Police Constable
The eligibility criteria for the Kerala Police Constable (Trainee) (Armed Police Battalion) recruitment are comprehensive and essential for candidates to understand before applying for the position. Let’s break down the qualifications and physical requirements in a well-organized and engaging manner.
Educational Qualification:
To be eligible for the position, candidates must have passed the HSE (Plus Two) or its equivalent examination. This educational requirement is a fundamental criterion for applicants, and it is important to ensure that the specified qualification is met before proceeding with the application
Physical Qualifications:
The physical qualifications for the Kerala Police Constable (Trainee) position are equally significant. Candidates must meet the following physical standards:
- Height: A minimum of 168 cm is required for male candidates, while female candidates should have a minimum height of 160 cm. However, for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe communities, the minimum height is 160 cm.
- Chest: Male candidates should have a minimum chest measurement of 81 cm with a minimum expansion of 5 cm. For candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe communities, the minimum chest measurement is 76 cm with a minimum expansion of 5 cm.
- Eye Sight: Candidates must possess specific visual standards without glasses, including distant vision and near vision. Conditions such as color blindness, squint, or any morbid conditions of the eyes or lids may lead to disqualification.
- Other Physical Qualifications: Candidates must be free from apparent physical defects like knock-knee, flat foot, varicose veins, bow legs, deformed limbs, irregular and protruding teeth, defective speech, and hearing.
- Physical Efficiency Test: Candidates must qualify in any five events out of eight events specified in the National Physical Efficiency One Star Standard Test. The test includes various activities such as a 100 Meters Run, High Jump, Long Jump, Putting the Shot, Throwing the cricket ball, Rope climbing, Pull up or chinning, and 1500 meters run.
Must qualify in any five events out of eight events specified below of the National Physical
Efficiency, One Star Standard Test.
The Kerala Police Constable (Trainee) Exam Date 2024
The Kerala Police Constable (Trainee) (Armed Police Battalion) exam for the year 2024 is scheduled to be conducted between May and July, as per the Kerala Public Service Commission calendar
Confirmation for Writing Exam for Cat.No.593/2023
To submit confirmation for the Writing Exam for Cat. No. 593/2023 through the OTP system from 21-02-2024 to 11-03-2024 with the Kerala PSC, you can follow these steps:
- Visit the official website of the Kerala Public Service Commission at
- Log in to your profile using the credentials you used for the ‘ONE TIME REGISTRATION’ process.
- Once logged in, check for any notifications related to the exam Cat. No. 593/2023
- Click on the specific exam for which you want to give confirmation. This will lead you to the details of that particular exam.
- Look for an option to confirm your willing to write the exam. This may be labeled as “Confirm ” or something similar.
- Read any instructions or details provided about the confirmation process and the exam itself.
- After ensuring that you are ready to confirm your attendance, click on the relevant button or link to submit your confirmation for the exam.
- Verify that your confirmation has been successfully recorded. Look for any confirmation messages or emails from the Kerala PSC.
Please ensure that you complete this process within the specified time frame from 21-02-2024 to 11-03-2024 to confirm your attendance for the Writing Exam for Cat. No. 593/2023 with the Kerala PSC.
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